Re: A83: variables


Re: A83: variables writes:
<< I sort of noticed that you had the memory locations
 for variable I and N.  Do know know where I can find
 the memory addresses for all the variables or can you
 tell me where to look for them? >>

varI and varN weren't locations of the actual system variables, the locations 
for them were just free spots in memory. I used them as temporary values. The 
routine to get system vars is (for W):

call _zerooop1
ld hl,op1+1
ld (hl),'W'          ; or any other var
call _rclvarsym  ; op1 / op2 -> value
call _convop1
ex   de,hl

That puts the value of W into hl. I got that right out of ASM Guru (thanks 
