Re: A83: test run


Re: A83: test run

; Nice to see someone codes with comments :)

; I think the code for input is a bit bulky ; seperate routines for 0 and 1
; for example. This code does similar stuff but slightly more cleanly.

        call    _getkey
        pop     de
        sub     142                     ; value is now 0,1, any other invalid
        ld      d,a                     ; save in D temporarily
        and     $FE                     ; look at bits 7..1. If any are non
        jr      nz,Invalid              ; zero then it can't be 0 or 1
        ld      a,d                     ; A := D + E * 2
        add     a,e
        add     a,e
        ld      e,a                     ; put back in D
        add     a,'0'                   ; convert to ASCII character '0' or 
;       or more trickily :)
        sub     142                     ; 0,1 valid 2-$FF invalid
        srl     A                       ; Carry set if 1. Zero if the
                                        ; original value was 0 or 1.
        jr      nz,Invalid
        ld      a,e                     ; A := E
        adc     a,e                     ; A := (previous E) + E + Carry
        ld      e,a                     ; copy back to E

        and     $01                     ; bit 0 is the new digit input
        add     a,'0'                   ; A now '0' or '1'.

; A useful trick for binary output is something like the following
; (and it saves 2 bytes, handy on a TI83)

        ld      b,8                     ; 8 characters out
        ld      a,'0'                   ; output a 'Zero'.
        rlc     e                       ; shift byte right, most significant
                                        ; bit is now in the carry

        adc     a,0                     ; A is now '0' or '1' depending on 

        call    _putc

        djnz    _Loop                   ; Do it 8 times.