Re: A83: _putc <> _vputc


Re: A83: _putc <> _vputc

_vputmap will display a char in small font

same input: a=number of char to display
don't forget the coords (pencol) and (penrow)

use  "set 7,(iy+20)" before calling _vputmap if you want to write directly to graph buffer, and call 
_grbufcpy to copy graph to home screen.



On Sat, 19 Feb 2000 19:41:38   Matthias Sauppe wrote:
>in there is an equation called _putc that displays the equated
>character to the number stored in a. But _putc displays only "big"
>characters (such as characters on the home screen). Is there a similar
>equation that displays small letters on the graph screen?
>Thanks for your help

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