Re: A83: Out of Range.


Re: A83: Out of Range.

In a message dated 2/7/00 2:29:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> No, they do.  He was explaining how they would be used to store jump
>  addresses.
>  A byte is only enough to hold a relative address.  A word is enough to 
>  an absolute address.
>  However, doing a '.db exit' will NOT store the relative address.  Relative
>  to what?  There is no way for the assembler to tell.  It will attempt to
>  store the absolute address and give a warning (at least it should!) that
>  there is unused data.  If you really need to store a relative address, it
>  can be done as follows:
>  Label =$+1
>   jr 0
>   .db Exit-Label

Actually that would be one byte off because it offsets from the start of the 
opcode.  You'd need to do it like this:

 ld a,(address)
 ld (label+1),a
 jr 0

.db exit-label

>  In this case, the relative address will be used for the JR below 'Label'.
>  > > db exit = Relative address of exit (like jr)
>  > > dw exit = Absolute address of exit (like jp... or ld (...),...)
>  >
>  > So 'db' and 'dw' have nothing to do with 'data byte' and 'data word'?

Jonah Cohen
