Re: A83: Out of Range.


Re: A83: Out of Range.

In accordance with the prophecy, James Matthews uttered:

> Hi all,
> For those of you that know ZDS (or for those of you that don't, but can figure out what
> its talking about...) here is an error I've been getting:
> ZMA-E0069 Error: Relocatable address expression out of range
> For a line like:
>  db "Exit",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Exit
> Where Exit is a label (in this case) about 10-12 lines up. Now, I can see why a similar
> message might happen for a JR statement, but not in a DB?...what's up?

The value of Exit is 16-bit.

                         I wonder why. I wonder why.
                         I wonder why I wonder.
                         I wonder WHY I wonder why
                         I wonder why I wonder!
                               -- Richard P. Feynman
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