Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]


Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]

My usual disclaimer: all info I give is for the 83 Plus, but should be applicable to the 83 as well (the systems are very similar).  If I don't give into on a call, it's because I don't happen to know what the 83 Plus equate for it is.
JForceCmd - This is the same as JForceCmdNoChar, except it passes a key to the homescreen (actually, in reality JForceCmdNoChar is the same as JForceCmd, except it *doesn't* pass a key to the homescreen).  The keypress should be in register A.  All the stuff you quoted from the SDK about JForceCmdNoChar is accurate.
SysErrHandler - This passes control to the TIOS error handler.  The error screen will pop up, and it will quit to the homescreen when the user chooses quit.  You should load the memory address errNo with the error code of the error you want to trigger.  You should only use this if the error you want to trigger does not have a direct access entry point.
NewContext - This call switches the current context to another one.  The context you want to load should be in register A.  Basically this is switching what "application" is currently running (homescreen, graph screen, stat editor, etc).  I can't think of any instance in which you'd want to use this call from an assembly program.
NewContext0 - This routine is called from NewContext.  It does the actual context switching.  All NewContext does is save the current ROM page, clear the keypress, and then call NewContext0.  Again, I don't think this is a good one to call from an assembly program.
-Dan Englender
----- Original Message -----
From: Henk Poley
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]

Some new ones, maybe a bit fast after the last one,
but I think with Christmas, New Year and the rest,
people will be busy with other things for a wile.

Henk Poley

+- _kbdScan --------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  4010 |
| Call to:          |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  01CA |
description: ?? Something like 'keyboardScan' ??

Does somebody know anthing about those _Mon* calls???
exept for being the main-routine of TIOS...

+- _sendKPress -----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  4021 |
| JP to:            |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  0383 |
description: ?? store a keypress in the keyboardbuffer ??

+- _JforceCmdNoChaR +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  4024 |
| JP to:            |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  043A |
input: none
      Monitor vectors should be set to the Application loader
      (?? 83+ only ??)
output: none
       The HomeScreen is given control
destroyed: all
description: Exits the application (=program?) an returns to the HomeScreen.

            This routine will be used in most applications to Close the
            application and return controll to the Ti-83 system.

            Before and application jumps to this entry point it must make
            certain the system monitor vectors are set to the Appliction
            loader context. (?? 83+ only ??)

Note: This routine will set the stack level back to a save level.
Note2: This info is taken from an 83+ SDK, so some things maybe incorrect...

+- _JforceCmd ------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  4027 |
| JP to:            |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  043B |
description: ????

+- _sysErrHandler --+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  402A |
| Call to:          |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  045A |
description: ?? install a new error handler ??

+- _newContext -----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  402E |
| Call to:          |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  0473 |
description: ????

+- _newContext0 ----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  4032 |
| Call to:          |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  0497 |
description: ????

+- _A2POINTHLIND ---+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  4036 |  4036 |  4036 |  4036 |  4036 |  4036 |  4036 |
| Call to:          |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  057D |
input: ????
output: ????
destroyed: ????
description: ????

+- _POINTHLIND -----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  403A |
| Call to:          |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  057E |
description: ????

And how do you feel, standing on the doorsteps of a new Millenium?
