Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]


Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]

As I mentioned, I'm doing 83 Plus stuff, but the ones that are the same between the 83 and 83 Plus I can answer.  Hopefully this will be at least partially useful to you.
000Bh - Checks bit zero of offset seven of the flags.  This is more of an internal flag that doesn't have too much use externally.  It has to do with whether or not there is a returned result in OP1 or not.  The parser uses it.
0013h - Checks bit four of offset two in the flags.  This particular flag keeps whether or the function graphing mode is set, and is used by the TIOS when it needs to check for function graph mode (since calling this address is one byte smaller than checking the flag manually)
001Bh - Calling this address will set the graph screen to "dirty".  This means that the graph screen needs to be redrawn if any graph related stuff needs to be used.  Whenever you "draw" on the graph screen, this flag is set so that the system knows that the graph has to be redrawn if it is to be used.
0023h - Checks whether or not address 9653 (on the 83 Plus, it's a different address on the 83) is zero or not.  That particular memory address holds the first letter of the variable that is acting as the current input buffer.  IE.  If you're running a program, it will be the first letter of the program name.  If you're on the homescreen, it will be 23h (the homescreen buffer program variable).  Keep in mind, this value is only initialized and used as such during the error context, and is used if you choose the "Goto" option.  If you're not in the error context, this value will be zero.
002Bh - Sets the memory address described above to zero.
CpHLDE - This one is fairly well documented,  It's code is:
    push    hl
    or    a
    sbc    hl,de
    pop    hl
...So the outputs are as expected by the above code.  Carry will be set if DE>HL and zero will be set if DE=HL.
I can't help you with the rest because you provided entry points for the 83, not 83 Plus.  Sorry.
Hope this helps,
-Dan Englender
----- Original Message -----
From: Henk Poley
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]

Thank you all for responding !
especialy Jimmy Conner for all the RSTs.

Here come the next ones, but first something I forgot in my first mail:

The numbers: 1.02, 1.03 etc. are the ROM-versions,
on that place comes the adress where the function is located.
+-Name of function described -------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| Address called    |  1.02 |  1.03 |  1.04 |  1.06 |  1.07 |  1.08 |  1.10 |

now for the new ones (and some old):
+- ???? ------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
|                   |  000B |  000B |  000B |  000B |  000B |  000B |  000B |
.db FD,CB,07,46 ;bit 0,(IY+07h) => No known function...
.db C9          ;ret

+- ???? ------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
|                   |  0013 |  0013 |  0013 |  0013 |  0013 |  0013 |  0013 |
.db FD,CB,02,66 ;bit 4,(IY+02h) => bit grffuncm,(IY+grfmodeflags)
.db C9          ;ret

+- ???? ------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
|                   |  001B |  001B |  001B |  001B |  001B |  001B |  001B |
.db FD,CB,03,C6 ;set 0,(IY+03h) => set graphdraw,(IY+graphflags)
.db C9          ;ret

+- ???? ------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
|                   |  0023 |  0023 |  0023 |  0023 |  0023 |  0023 |  0023 |
.db 3A,3C,91 ;ld a,(913Ch) => ??(913C)??
.db B7       ;or a
.db C9       ;ret

+- ???? ------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
|                   |  002B |  002B |  002B |  002B |  002B |  002B |  002B |
.db 97       ;sub a
.db 32,3C,91 ;ld (913Ch),a => ??(913C)??
.db C9       ;ret

+- CP_HL_DE --------+
+  _cphlde          +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
|                   |  4004 |  4004 |  4004 |  4004 |  4004 |  4004 |  4004 |
| Call to:          |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  010F |
input: HL = number (1)
      DE = number (2)
output: carry flag is set if ???? HL = DE ?? or ?? HL != DE ????
destroid: ????
description: Non destructive compare of HL & BC:  SBC HL,BC

+- _kbdScan --------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  4010 |
| Call to:          |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  01CA |
description: ?? something like 'keybordScan' ??

+- _coorMon --------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  4018 |
| JP to:            |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  02A6 |

+- _mon ------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  401B |
| JP to:            |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  02B0 |

+- _monForceKey ----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  401E |
| JP to:            |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  02C4 |
description: ?? something like 'WRITE_KEY' or something from the Ti-82 ??

I think this is anough for this week ;)
 But mam... Can I... :)
