A83: Why Don't it work??


A83: Why Don't it work??

  I am making a very simple program for ION, everything should work, just 
when I assemble it I get the strangest error messages.
Here is the problematic 2 lines

         ld (currow),c
         ld (curcol),b

When I compile with TASM I comes out with

temp.z80 line 0025: unrecognized argument.             (($844B),c)
temp.z80 line 0027: unrecognized argument.             (($844C),b)
temp.z80 line 0028: unrecognized argument.             (b)

   I don't see how something this simple could confuse TASM. I'm using the 
batch file included with ION to assemble it, TASM has the z80 table and 
junk, I just confused.

  Think anyone here can help?