Re: A83: Rom-dump


Re: A83: Rom-dump

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:32:02 EDT, wrote:

>I'm trying to get a romdump, but I can't.  I have the two programs that are
>needed to get the dump(the one on the calc, and the one on the computer) 
>every time I try it says I have a syntax error.  I start the program on the
>computer first and I am using a homemade link.  Can anyone help me?

I have a Homemade link too, parallel. I used Dump8xp for the computer and 
RomDumper v2.1 by Randy Gluvna. I started Dump8xp first then RomDumper and 
it worked fine. If you haven't tried these programs, I suggest trying them. 
I think they're both at

James Vernon

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