Re: A83: New Company


Re: A83: New Company

In accordance with the prophecy, Laurens Holst uttered:

>> I'll tell your dumbass why:
>>   You're a fucking liar, a freud, and a dick who can't program for shit.
> Take your
>> nerdy ass and give up cause you suck.

> Well now at least I will CERTAINLY not join your programming group.

> Jeez flamer!

> Actually you're the one who sounds like he can't program. 'I have drawn a
> map etc. but no programming so far'...

> ~Grauw

Actually he is right about Hays Games being a bunch of losers. I think anyone
who was on the list a while ago and witnessed Mike Smith's childish behaviour
would agree. Do not join Hays Games, because either they are just having
great fun making us believe them and flame them all the time, or they are
indeed the immature self-glorifying people they appear to be. In either case,
they are NOT a serious company.

Flaming them the way Laurens did, however, is of course unacceptable on a
mailing list.


   - Linus Akesson ------------------------- -
   ::: :::. :.:: :. ::.. : :... ::.: ::. :::: :.:. :: :..: :.. :.: :....

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