Re: A83: question about the grbuf


Re: A83: question about the grbuf

In a message dated 7/17/99 7:59:09 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Hi y'all
>  here is the situation,
>  I have a function that writes only to the screen and not to the grbbuf....
>  immedately before another func. that writes to the grbuf and 
>  ...which erases the output from the first one.
>  I tried using the mode flag
>  	res plotloc,(iy+plotflags)
>  but it doesn't work.....
>  what should I do ...
>  Is there a way to copy the screen to the grbuf, the inverse of _grbufcpy_v 
>  thanks
>  homonerdicus

You could possibly do the Buffer Writing Stuff first, call the Buffercopy 
routine, and Then write your LCD only stuff... But If that is inconvenient 
for you, here is a Routine to copy the LCD to Plotsscreen. Keep in mind it 
will also overwrite whatever is in Plotsscreen. Here you go (adapted from Ian 
Graf's Capture83 Program)...

        ld hl, Plotsscreen
        ld a, $07
        call LCDBusy
        out ($10), a
        ld a, $80
        ld d, a
        call LCDBusy
        out ($10), a
        ld a, $20
        call LCDBusy
        out ($10), a
        call LCDBusy
        in a, ($11)
        ld bc,12*256+$11
        call LCDBusy
        jr nz, Read_Loop2
        inc d
        ld a,d
        cp $BF
        jr nz, Read_Loop1
        ld a, $05
        call LCDBusy
        out ($10), a

I hope that could be of help, cya... :)

TCPA Member