Re: A83: Buffer Draw Routines and a bit more--off subject


Re: A83: Buffer Draw Routines and a bit more--off subject

In a message dated 2/23/99 11:10:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< 1.  I do, somehow.  Ironically, AOL kept on connecting at 12000 bps (!)
 I restarted my computer.  And then I got a 31200 bps connection...but then
 died after five minutes, forcing me to retype this whole message. Talk about
 crappy service...

Has any other unfortunate AOLer noticed that if you do get a connection over
30000 bps it will kick you off after 5 minutes. 28000 is the fastest i dare
take it.
 2.  Busy signals: See point one.
 3.  That 45 minute button: I wrote a little "anti-timer" program that seeks
 out the timer window and hits the OK button (wow, like that's hard to do :-) 

That thing pisses me off, especially when I'm trying to download things longer
than 45 min. (like the FF8 opening movie, but that's a different list).

 4. Stupid people: I don't chat--at least not with the stupid people :-)

Wait there's a chat room without stupid people?
 Sorry for the off-subject post, this was just the easiest way to get things
 "We've spent over a half billion dollars to triple capacity.  And now with
 56k, connections are faster than ever!" >>