A83: Buffer Draw Routines... (As seen on Dim-TI TCPA)


A83: Buffer Draw Routines... (As seen on Dim-TI TCPA)

I think that are great but the PIXEL routine which is the basis for most
of the routines is extremely unoptimized... I made it much quicker and
smaller (I believe someone mention this before on the list) So I made
the following:

; Pixel Plotting Routine - By Jason Kovacs, with ZLIB's GetPix Routine.
; Revision by Scott Dial                                               
; All clock times are + GETPIX                                         
; Original - 44 Bytes                                                  
;	White - 182 Clocks                                                   ;
;	Black - 175 Clocks                                                   ;
;	Xor   - 172 Clocks                                                   ;
; Revision - 36 Bytes                                                  
;	White - 136 Clocks                                                   ;
;  Black - 143 Clocks                                                  
;  Xor   - 126 Clocks                                                  
; This increase in speed and shorting in size makes almost every other 
; routine increase in speed and shorten in size.                       
; Input:  D = X, E = Y, C = Pixel Color (0-Clear, 1-Plot, 2-XOR Pixel).
; Output: Pixel is Plotted to Graph Buffer according to Command in 'C'.

        push bc                 ; [11] Save Loop Value and Color
        push de                 ; [11] Save the Coordinates
        push hl                 ; [11] Save these Values
        ld a, c                 ; [ 4] Load this to check which Color
        or a                    ; [ 4] CP 0
        jr z, PIXEL_WHITE       ; [12/7] Execute PIXEL_WHITE if C=0
        dec a                   ; [ 4] CP 1
        jr z, PIXEL_BLACK       ; [12/7] Execute PIXEL_BLACK if C=1
        ld a, d                 ; [ 4] 'a' now has X Coordinate
        call GETPIX             ; [17] Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
        xor (hl)                ; [ 7] 'XOR' to Toggle the Pixel
        ld (hl), a              ; [ 7] Write the new byte to Graph
        pop de                  ; [11] Retrieve the Coords for Other
        pop bc                  ; [11] Retrieve the Loop Value and Color
        ret                     ; [10] Return

        ld a, d                 ; [ 4] 'a' now has X Coordinate
        call GETPIX             ; [17] Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
        CPL                     ; [ 4] Compliment 'a' for the correct
Bit Mask
        and (hl)                ; [ 7] 'AND' to Clear the Pixel
        jr PIXEL_RET            ; [12]
        ld a, d                 ; [ 4] 'a' now has X Coordinate
        call GETPIX             ; [17] Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
        or (hl)                 ; [ 7] 'OR' to Plot the Pixel
        jr PIXEL_RET            ; [12]

Scott "_Wrath_" Dial