Re: A83: I don't mean to seem rude but Im bursting blood vessels here...


Re: A83: I don't mean to seem rude but Im bursting blood vessels here...

Make sure that you entered the program as:
[type] FE8D81BD81BD81FF [enter] [End] [enter] 0000 [enter] [End]
and not:
[type] FE8D81BD81BD81FF:[End]:0000:[End] wrote:
> I still can't get past the problem w/ the icon generator(s) for Aurora. The
> calculator-based IconEd lets you draw the icon and spits out the hex info to
> type in for it then tells you to write it in by hand and Squish it.
> If I made an icon like this:
> # # # # # # #
> #         # #   #
> #                #
> #   # # # #   #
> #                #          the hex code (as the icon editor says) is this:
> FE8D81BD81BD81FF
> #   # # # #   #
> #                #
> # # # # # # ##
> When that code is put into a program like this:
> Program: ICONHWRK (PROGHWRK is the program for which I am creating an icon)
> :FE8D81BD81BD81FF
> :End
> :0000
> :End
> That icon by itself appears as:
>   #        # #
>   #        #   #
>     # # #
>   #        #
>     # # #
>     # #         #      - NOT what I wanted
>   #           #
>   #        #
> The readme for the Icon editor tells me to Squish it, and the Squish readme
> says to do this:
> [type] "ICONHWRK" [enter]
> Send(9prgmSQUISH
> This comes back with a syntax error ending at the H of Squish
> When I run Squish on itself, however, it runs fine. Can anyone, please, please
> help me?
> I think I'm going to go nuts if I can't get this finished, and soon...
> Marc Bunin

Scott "_Wrath_" Dial
