Re: A83: A qustion about Assembly


Re: A83: A qustion about Assembly

> > 
>  > anyways, I understand that it uses a different Processor (from
>  > Motorolla). Are the ASM instructions different from the z80 processor.
>  > Well actually I know they are because I looked at some source ...
>  > Would all my knoledge of 83 asm be lost , are the two langages similar
>  > or very differnt ?
>  > 

Very different.  The TI-89 uses the MC68000 processor from Motorola, as you
68k ASM uses concepts that are similar to Z80 ASM (move, push, pop, xor, or,
etc...) but the syntax isn't what I would call familiar.  Luckily there's a
few 68k tutorials out there.
By applying not what you know about Z80 ASM _syntax_ but what you know about
ASM in _general_ to them (stack operations, Boolean logic...ASM stuff that's
pretty much similar across any processor), you shouldn't have much difficulty.
Then again, I've never used an 89 before :-)

Hope I was of some help anyways,