A83: Sprite routine problem


A83: Sprite routine problem

I am attempting to write my own sprite routine that will display a 8x16
sprite. However, when I try running the program, all I get is the x & y
axis for the graph screen and no sprite. The code is as follows.

 call _clrLCDFull
 ld d,48
 ld e,32
 ld ix,big_sprite
 call _Big_Sprite
 call _grbufcpy_v
 call _getkey
 ret nz
;Input: d-x coord, e-y coord, ix-sprite address
;Output: 8x16 XOR sprite written to 8e29h
 ld hl,0
 ld d,0
;*********Calculate addy in graphbuf********
 sla e  ;Do y*12
 sla e
 add hl,de
 add hl,de
 add hl,de
 ld e,d
 srl e  ;Do x/8
 srl e
 srl e
 add hl,de
 ld de,8e29
 add hl,de
 ld de,00000111b
 and d
 cp 0 ;checks if sprite is aligned
 jr z,Aligned_Sprite ;If so, goto aligned sprite bit
;********Non-aligned sprite bit starts here********
 ld b,a  ;Shift counter
 ld c,16  ;Line counter
 ld d,(ix+0)
 push bc
 srl d
 rr e
 djnz Shift_Loop
 pop bc
 ld a,d  ;Write line to graphbuf
 xor (hl)
 ld (hl),a
 inc hl
 ld a,e
 xor (hl)
 ld (hl),a
 ld de,11
 add hl,de
 inc ix
 dec c
 cp 0
 jr nz,Line_Loop
;********Aligned sprite bit starts here********
 ld c,16  ;Line counter
 ld d,(ix+0)
 ld a,d
 xor (hl)
 ld (hl),a
 ld de,12
 add hl,de
 inc ix
 dec c
 cp 0
 jr nz,Aligned_Loop

 .db 11111111b
 .db 11000011b
 .db 10100101b
 .db 10011001b
 .db 10011001b
 .db 10100101b
 .db 11000011b
 .db 10000001b
 .db 10000001b
 .db 11000011b
 .db 10100101b
 .db 10011001b
 .db 10011001b
 .db 10100101b
 .db 11000011b
 .db 11111111b

If someone could help me out with this, I would really appreciate it.
Thanx in advance.

P.S. If anyone could tell me how to create a side-scrolling background,
like the one used in Mega Man 83-ASM, I would be forever grateful.
Pizza of Hut