Re: A83: a bug in FP numbers code...


Re: A83: a bug in FP numbers code...

I'm sorry if you've spent any time on this, but I've fixed the problem.  I 
forgot to load the max. display value into a.  I've also added to the 
program, so that if it does not turn into a fraction, it will only be 
displayed once.  If you want to run this yourselves, remove the entire 
fraction: from the previous e-mail, and replace it with the one below.  This 
code compiles fine with tasm, but I'm not sure if a mac-compiler can handle 
the "functions" FPmov(), and Input().


    FPmov(x1,op1)       ;move the slope to op1
    call _tofrac        ;convert op1 to frac
                ;op1 = numerator
                ;op2 = denominator
    FPmov(op1,y1)       ;move num. to y1
    FPmov(op2,y2)       ;move den. to y2
    jp c,exit       ;if can't be reduced, exit
    call _newline       ;move the cursor down a line
    ld hl,slope     ;load the slope string
    call _puts      ;display the slope string
    FPmov(y1,op1)       ;move num. back to op1
    ld a,16         ;16 = maxlentgh
    call _formreal      ;turn op1 into string
    ld hl,op3       ;load string into hl
    call _puts      ;display and update cursor
    ld a,Lslash     ;load a "/" into a
    call _putc      ;display and undate cursor
    FPmov(y2,op1)       ;move denom. into op1
    ld a,16         ;16 = max length
    call _formreal      ;make op1 a sting
    ld hl,op3       ;load that string into hl
    call _puts      ;display the string
    jp exit         ;goto exit