Re: A83: Very Cool Trick (only takes 1 minute)


Re: A83: Very Cool Trick (only takes 1 minute)

Sumit wrote:
>        Quick test of intelligence. Don't cheat! Because if you
>        do, the test would be no fun. I promise, there are no tricks
>        to the test.
>            Read this sentence:
>                       FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE-
>                       SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC-
>                       IC STUDY COMBINED WITH
>                       THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS.

Here's the real test of intelligence:

    1.	Can you spell scientific correctly?
    2.	Do you try to avoid chain letters?
    3.	Especially to mailing lists?

If you answered yes to all three, you're a genius!

John Kugelman.

I believe we can change anything.
I believe in my dream.
    - Joe Satriani
