A83: back in town


A83: back in town

just to start with, i was out of town for the weekend, so sorry if this
is late.

hiding programs --------------------------------------------------------

to hide your programs, use my program no progs 83. you can find no progs
in the ti-83 assembly miscelleanous programs directory.

creating programs-------------------------------------------------------

you create a program using _createprog (the address is squish.inc, i
don't feel like looking for it). the programs name is in op1. use this


if the name is 8 chars long you don't need the zero. the size if the
program is in hl. if the program is successfully created, hl will point
to the symbol table entry and de will point to the data (starting with
the size). if there isn't enough memory, the calc will give an
err:memory. you can prevent this by checking free mem using _memchk,
which is also in squish.inc.

if you want the program protected do this RIGHT after you create it.

	ld (hl),$06

resizing programs ------------------------------------------------------

to resize a program, you can insert or delete pieces of the data using
_insertmem or _delmem (check squish.inc). if you insert/delete memory,
you must manually change the two size bytes. the arguments for both
_insertmem and _delmem are as follows.

hl	# of bytes to insert/delete
de	address to insert/delete memory

interrupts -------------------------------------------------------------

you cannot use most rom calls from your own interrupt routine. if you
want to read keys you need to use direct input. if you want to write to
the screen you have to communicate directly with the lcd driver. for
more information check out both of my interrupt programs, capture 83 and
no progs 83. you can also check out joe wingbermeuheloaisjdvsrg's (how
ever the hell you spell his last name) interrupt program, trig. they
should all be in the ti-83 miscelleanous programs directory.

some one mentioned this...

>        ld      a,$11011111             ; check for [LN] press
>        out     (1),a                   ;
>        in      a,(1)                   ;
>        bit     2,a                     ;
>        jr      z,key                   ;
>        xor     a                       ; keep [LN] from repeating

thats obviosly from one of my programs. so to explain, that is direct
input. check out amhed's ti-83 tutorials for more info (if you can't
find them i think he is on this list and can tell you where to get
them). the last line, xor a, is part of a few more lines that prevent
the key press from being read more than once. if you are trying to stop
key presses, you won't need to include that line, you can just reti
every time you see that the key is pressed.

set 4,(iy+$14) ---------------------------------------------------------

>I used " set 4,(iy+$14)" to set text write to the graph buffer, but
>obviously this wasnt enough

are you using small font? if you want to write small font ONLY to the
grbuf than use textwrite,(iy+sgrflags). it can then later be coppied to
the screen using any buffer copy routine.
