Re: A83: Where are the flags?


Re: A83: Where are the flags?

>Refer to Tutorial 8, doesn't that help? :)
>James Matthews (

Usually yes, but not in this case.  For instance: textflags is 5 and 
onflags is 9...

textflags       EQU       5
onflags         EQU       9, (iy+textflags)==(iy+5) and (iy+onflags)==(iy+9), right?  Then, 
what is (iy+7) equal to?  Is (iy+7) an undocumented flag, or is it 
something else entirely?  How about (iy+6) and (iy+8)?

Also, at what offset is the last flag?  Is it asm_flag3?  Are there any 
more flags after asm_flag3 that just weren't included in


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