Re: A83: Bugs


Re: A83: Bugs

I or someone that I know have had all of these problems.  
#1 Kept happening with "Running the halls" on a friend's calc, I just had to
keep resending.
#2 This has happened to a friend who I transfered SOS to by backup.
#3 This happens to me constantly, I usually press [GRAPH], [CLEAR], [CLEAR] to
get rid of it.
#4 Has happened to me, I just reset the memory and reloaded everything.
#5 This has happened to someone who was using ROM 1.08

In a message dated 98-10-05 18:17:00 EDT, you write:

<< I'm having a few problems with SOS, and I wonder if anyone else has had
 anything similar happen to them.  I'm not saying SOS caused these
 problems, but it might.
 	1.  Disappearing programs-  Sometimes my programs disappear and I'm left
 wondering which one I lost.  They 	are still on the program menu though
 	2.  Weird screen bugs- Sometimes, when I exit SOS, the contrast falls to
 zero immediately after I try to change it.
 	It also puts various characters in certain spots.  Sometimes, after it
 finally stops, the memory clears.
 	3.  "Dirty " screen-  When I exit SOS after I've played games that
 affect text shadow, it leaves all kinds of crap on 	the screen.  Joe, I
 think you should put a little 'call _clrtextshadow' or whatever it is at
 the end of SOS
 	4.  Memory warp-  Sometimes I mysteriously lose free memory.  And no I
 don't send progs to my calc while in 	SOS
 	5.  Weird On button stuff-  Sometimes, my calc doesn't turn off when I
 press On by itself.  The screen just flashes 	once
 						See ya,
 						Alan >>