A83: Many Pixels... Routine? =P


A83: Many Pixels... Routine? =P

What's the best way to plot many pixels to the display...?   Could somebody
write me a routine that would read the values for the coordinates in an array
of databytes somewhere in the program, and write them to the graph buffer...?
I was thinking something like this...

Input:    de = Location to point to, for beginning of data for X Coordinates
             hl = Location to point to, for beginning of data for Y
             b = Number of Pixels to plot (I figured, use 'b' to use with
             c = Color for all of the Pixels to plot...
Output:  All of the Pixels are written to the Buffer with the specified Color.

I tried something simple already that would just read the current location of
'de' and 'hl' so they are used together and put into 'bc' for use with
'_IPoint', plotting each point, and then increasing the pointer location, but
I just got all confused with the push/pops 'n stuff, because '_Ipoint' uses
different registers... =P 

Can somebody write out this routine for me, or is there a much better way to
do this by using Bit manipulation 'n stuff...? Thanks for your help, anyone...

																--Jason K.