A83: Petition...Bill Nagel speaks.


A83: Petition...Bill Nagel speaks.

Well, I talked to Bill...he thinks Ti has released *too much* information,
so he doesn't want his name on the list...

5/30/98 1:56 PM  Dekker     Hey Bill, sorry to keep bugging you...can you
                            me an answer now?

5/30/98 1:58 PM  Bill Nagel an answer for?

5/30/98 1:58 PM  Dekker     about adding your name to the petition asking
TI to
                            give us more 83 documentation...

5/30/98 1:59 PM  Bill Nagel I think there's plenty of TI83 docs

5/30/98 2:00 PM  Dekker     you do?!  Ti hasn't released enough of the
                            documentation...the beginners in the asm
                            find it a real bitch to do much after they've
                            the basics (I'm a prime example)...

5/30/98 2:01 PM  Bill Nagel actually, I thought that there is more info on
                            site than anyone will ever use

5/30/98 2:02 PM  Dekker     wow...well, is that a no, or can I still put
                            name down :)...your name is kinda important

5/30/98 2:02 PM  Bill Nagel sorry, you cant

5/30/98 2:03 PM  Dekker     ok...

5/30/98 2:04 PM  Bill Nagel a petition is useless anyway, TI no longer

5/30/98 2:04 PM  Dekker     you think so?...well, its kinda worth a try
                            you think?

5/30/98 2:06 PM  Bill Nagel well, TIs support budget goes strictly to 86asm
                            and there's less docs for the 86

5/30/98 2:07 PM  Dekker     screw it, we'll try anyway...so, you're
                            sure you don't want you name there? :)...

5/30/98 2:07 PM  Bill Nagel good luck...

5/30/98 2:07 PM  Dekker     ok, cya around.

Darn...oh well...we've got 27 signatures so far.  If we can get to 50, then
that'll be cool.  Where's Harper when I need him!?  Making
Blackjack?...lol.  If anyone is on the Ti-Philes, perhaps they can help,
because we need the names...but the Philes server is still down right?

Anyway, cya round.


James Matthews.
E-mail (family):    matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp
E-mail (private):  james_matthews@hotmail.com

Homepage:  http://home.att.ne.jp/gold/tomcat21/index.html
ICQ:  7413754