Re: A83: Lists


Re: A83: Lists

These are great.  But what if you do not know the name of the list of
program of anything else, how do you find out and display it and mabey add
to it?


At 09:07 PM 6/11/98 -0700, you wrote:
>this one stores to lists. the number comes from op1, so it can be
>floating point and/or negative. don't ask me how to store a floating
>point number because i don't know the format.
>note: do NOT store to an element that isn't created because it WILL
>cause problems! make sure the list has the right dimensions using the
>basic dim( command before you use this program!!!
>compile this and send it to your calc. then type this into a new
>this makes sure list IAN exists and that it has the correct dimensions.
>then it runs ZLIST which stores to element 1 in list IAN. then it
>displays the new contents of list IAN.
>#define equ .equ
>#define EQU .equ
>#define end .end
>#include ""
>#include ""
>_errundefined .equ 467Bh
>.org 9327h
>     call _zerooop1         ; clear op1
>     ld hl,listname         ; where to copy name from
>     ld de,op1              ; where to copy name to
>     ld bc,6                ; length of name
>     ldir                   ; all set, copy it
>     call _chkfindsym       ; look up list
>     jp c,_errundefined     ; error if not found
>     push de                ; save de
>     ld hl,500              ; number to store to list
>     call _setxxxxop2       ; put it in op2
>     call _op1exop2         ; move it to op1
>     pop de                 ; restore de
>     ld hl,1                ; # of element to get (1-999)
>     call _puttol           ; store it
>     ret
>     .db $01,$5D,"IAN",$00  ; the user list IAN
>; notes:
>;  1) if the list name is 5 chars long it
>;     doesn't need to be 0 terminated
>;      less than 5 chars:
>;      list IAN would be    $01,$5D,"IAN",$00
>;      5 chars:
>;      list HELLO would be  $01,$5D,"HELLO"
>;  2) for L1 - L6 use this format
>;     $01,$5D,# of list
>;      L1 would be  $01,$5D,$01
>;      L2 would be  $01,$5D,$02
>;      L3 would be  $01,$5D,$03
>;      L4 would be  $01,$5D,$04
>;      L5 would be  $01,$5D,$05
>;      L6 would be  $01,$5D,$06