A83: Assembly-83 Petition


A83: Assembly-83 Petition

Dear Texas Instruments:

Attached to the bottom of this e-mail is a list of Ti-83 assembly language
programmers who feel, and would greatly appreciate, additional
informational documents concerning the 83's ROM calls.  We believe that
these additional documents will help us develop better software and we will
be able to continue to support the 83's ASM community.  Thank you for
considering our request.

Here are the signatures of the people who would like to see more
documentation released for the 83's ASM routines.  Those without e-mail
addresses prefer their addresses are not released publically.

1. James Matthews (matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp).
2. John Kugelman  (kugelman@mnsinc.com).
3. Nathan Smith (smithrh@esper.com).
4. Luke Rosenberg (Luke727@aol.com).
5. Eric Sun (esun@home.com).
6. Justin Scharwat (justinjs@aol.com).
7. Joe Jezak (jjezak@cbcc.bcwan.net).
8. Dale Clarke (Heydude27@aol.com).
9. Wesley Moore (moore.w@patash.com.au).
10. Marc Harper (marc13@bellsouth.net).
11. Dustin Graham.
12. Jimmy Conner (TiMagic@yahoo.com).
13. Ian Watt (ZaMaddOne@aol.com).
14. Steven Conway (Conway@ssc.net.au).
15. Skip Jordan (LGB240@aol.com).
16. Justin Schumacher (lew@shaysnet.com).
17. nat (smithrh@esper.com).
18.  ti83@aol.com.
19.  JakeGuilbo@aol.com.
20.  Michael B. Cook (MBCook@MBCook.com).
21.  Gerad Suyderhoud (GeradS@yahoo.com).
22.  Hannes Edfeldt  (movax@algonet.se). *****
23.  Stefan Lennartsson (stefan@infi.ml.org).
24.  Nick Dunkle (ndunklee@mail.davison.k12.mi.us).
25.  CaptPaulA1@aol.com
26.  Trey Jazz (joemama@minot.com). *****
27.  Florent Dhordain (flo.dh@usa.net). *****
28.  Linus Akesson (lairfight@softhome.net).
29.  Joe Wingbermuehle (joewing@usmo.com). *****
30.  Harper Maddox (jerky@ebicom.net).  *****
31.  Conan Wong (galaxy@tkb.att.ne.jp).
32.  Romash Bhatt (romybhatt@hotmail.com).
33.  Vincent Pope (vincnyrs@typhoon.co.jp).
34.  Jason Asato (jasato@giganet.net).
35.  Brad Plumer (plumers@tkb.att.ne.jp).
36.  Hunter Stone King (stoner@avana.net).
37.  Ian Packer.
38.  Nik Pierce.
39.  Patrick Schmid.
40.  Shireen Seno.


Wesley Moore:
I don't think it would be unreasonable to release the whole thing, 
however I will settle for just more documenation. Why don't TI just put the
document available for download instead of trying to make an online 

Joe Wingbermuehle:
(extract from mail to assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org)
......However, I highly doubt that TI's support budget is strictly for the
TI-86, expecially when the TI-73 and TI-89 are soon to be released and the
and TI-92 are very much still used.  In fact, I bet the TI-83 is the most
popular calculator in the class room.  It is in my school!  Besides, how
much budget would it take to cut and paste comments from the TI-83


I ask if you keep the information contain within this e-mail, concerning
individual names and e-mail addresses private.

Please consider our proposal - thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

James Matthews 
(on behalf of the Ti-83 ASM Community)