A83: > How to do INPUT <


A83: > How to do INPUT <

Allright, I'll tell you... But if you use this in your programs, I would be
very grateful if you mentioned my name (as a credit, greeting or whatever)
because it wasn't the easiest thing to figure out...


Getting String Input
                                              by Linus Akesson

First of all, we put a prompt at 821ch. Max 16 chars.

        ld      de,821ch                ;put the prompt here
        ld      hl,prompt
        ld      bc,prompt_len           ;length of prompt, max = 16

Then we call PGMIO_EXEC with the String Input command.

        ld      a,0                     ;code for STRING input
        ld      (ASM_IND_CALL),a

        call    PGMIO_EXEC              ;defined in squish.inc

Now OP1 contains the name of a temporary string variable. The string contains
tokens, but if you're only interested in alphanumeric input that doesn't
matter, because uppercase letters and digits are still ascii.

This routine is an example of how to display the string without checking for
tokens line sin(.

        call    _CHKFINDSYM

        ex      de,hl                   ;hl is start of string data
        ld      c,(hl)
        inc     hl
        ld      b,(hl)
        inc     hl                      ;bc is length of string

        ld      a,b
        or      c                       ;length = 0 ?
        ret     z                       ;return if so

        push    bc
        ld      a,(hl)                  ;get a character
        call    _putc
        pop     bc
        dec     bc
        ld      a,b
        or      c                       ;done yet?
        jr      nz,loop                 ;no -> loop back

        call    _newline

And ofcourse:

prompt:         .db "Inp:",0
prompt_len      =   $-prompt


Getting Numeric Input
                                              by Linus Akesson

This is done in about the same way. Start by putting the
prompt at 821ch:

        ld      de,821ch                ;put the prompt here
        ld      hl,prompt
        ld      bc,prompt_len           ;length of prompt, max = 16

Then call PGMIO_EXEC, but with a different command in ASM_IND_CALL:

        ld      a,1                     ;code for NUMERIC input
        ld      (ASM_IND_CALL),a

        call    PGMIO_EXEC

The input is automatically parsed as an expression, and the result is placed
in OP1.

        call    _formDisp               ;display it

prompt:         .db "Inp:",0
prompt_len      =   $-prompt


Now go on and write a killer application,
