A83: Tell me if..


A83: Tell me if..

Let's say I have this bit of code:

	ld a,0
	cp 1
	jr nz,Start
	cp 0
	ld a,4
	ld b,6


of course, this will result in a program that never returns to normal, so
it will involve pulling batteries, etc.. (see, I'm too stupid to make
Calcem work, I can't even dump a rom correctly), anyhow.. those last 4

cp 0
ld a,4
ld b,6

Will the ld commands both be executed if a=0, or just the one under cp 0 ?
That's what I want to know!  If not, is there a way to group commands
under one cp condition, without having to put a jr under it to jump to
an entirely different foreign label, which confuses me, and pisses me
off..... well, anyways.. If you can figure this one out, thanks!
