Re: A83: my Pixel-rutine..


Re: A83: my Pixel-rutine..

At 17:32 1998-07-16 -0500, you wrote:
>My thoughts exaclty.  About the only reason im subscribed to this list is to
>hear about upcoming games and comments on ones like mine, and occasionaly
>help someone out on a small problem.  Most of the other messages are quickly
>erased by the tapping of my delete key.. like for say.. this one. :)
>-Harper Maddox

Ok..  My fault then..  I thought the list was for discussing z80 ASM on the
ti-83 platform, with the goal of getting better, learn from others
misstakes, and develope new techniques for faster and/or smaller code. With
the goal of making the programs on the ti-83 scene better overall..  :)

