Re: A83: Color


Re: A83: Color

Anyways, no its a distincly different color of blue (that I'm sure is
produced the same way, with different settings, but it looks different then
the regular lcd, and the line's not pixelized...) that can be reproduced by
sending out sending out 1D-1F to the lcd driver.  (which does some
distinctly strange stuff to the lcd, so I wouldn't recommend it...).  I
think the most you can probably do with the idea is display a blue line or
two, but I still think its kinda neat...


>About that:  Lets say you just got new batteries, and you decide to see
>it looks like when you set the darkness all the way up. Well, you see a
>of blue (try it).  I think that the lcd only gives the impression of black,
>and it is really a very dark blue (just like black markers are blue and
>purple).  Since black is the absence of light, there is no way of creating
>by turning a light on.  So, when the calculator crashes, maybe the darkness
>the blue is all the way up, but the counter-color that makes it look black
>all the way off (maybe that red that you saw).  Just a thought.