Re: A83: Linkport...and more.


Re: A83: Linkport...and more.

> > Actually low is 1 and high is 0. Get the link.h from Ztetris (For
> > ashell, it isn't port specific) and it has routines that do the sending
> > and recieving for you. Check that out depends on the game.  :)

But cool, if a protocol is already written, that's great!  Thanks for the
tip.  BTW:  The tutorials will be delayed for a bit longer, I'm working on
my new webpage 18 hours a day (for $25,000 you guys would too :), and we
just got mailed by Marvin Minsky - the man himself - about the page, so
we're REALLY working hard at it.  Deadline is next week, school is already
started...hmm, 2-3 more weeks.  Sorry :(
