Re: A83: Why wont this work!


Re: A83: Why wont this work!

Basically CURROW and CURCOL are memory adresses, which are equated in the
include files. That is why they are in brackets. You can only interfafce
them by using the regesters "a" and "hl". Wesley showed you the baby way
(just picking on you wes), and I will now show you the proper way it should
be done.

    ld hl, (CURCOL)*256+(CURROW)        ;Substitute numbers here ie ld hl,
1*256+5, right.
    ld (CURCOL), hl
    ld hl, message            ;etc etc..
And that will work, I hope...
If you got confused with the memory thing, I refer you to Jame's Mathews
Tutorials at TI-CALC. There is a section in the misc. coloumn, and it has
stuff on the ld command. Read this and you will know a lot more, trust me,
very informative.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wesley Moore <>
To: Assembly 83 List server <>
Date: Tuesday, 21 April 1998 18:53
Subject: Re: A83: Why wont this work!

>You can't load a number directly into CURROW, CURCOL. Instead you have to
>do something like:
>ld a, 02h
>ld (CURROW), a
>ld a, 01h
>ld (CURCOL), a
>Hope this help a bit.
>>Whenever I try to compile this code it says that currow, curcol and
>>invalid arguments!!!
>>-Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
>>#define end .end
>>#define equ .equ
>>#define EQU .equ
>>#include ""
>>.org 9327h
>> call 4755h
>> ld b,0
>>        ld (CURCOL),02h
>>        ld (CURROW),01h
>>        set 3, (iy+5)
>> ld hl,title_one
>> call 470Dh
>>        res 3, (iy+5)
>> call 4CFEh
>> cp 03h
>> cp 04h
>> cp 64d
>> jp z,QUIT
>> jp LOOP
>> out (LCDINSTPORT),b    ;sets the contrast at b
>> jp LOOP
>> ld a,b
>> cp 88
>> jp z,LOOP
>> inc b
>> inc b
>> call 4755h
>> ld a,b
>> cp 1
>> jp z,LOOP
>> dec b
>> dec b
>> call 4755h
>> call 4755h
>> ret
>> .db "Set Contrast",0
>     Wesley Moore