Re: A83: Help


Re: A83: Help

This computer is hopeless...  I'll just hook the stupid hd to my AVR 8515
and get a dump of its memory...

Oh yeah, if you're thinking about a real OS, you can't run anything except
what you program specifically for it.  If you emulated 2 platforms in a
protected enviornment, on a 300MHz chip, you might get 50MHz...  Any way
you do it, there are large holes...

>{{its like this: you system sounds too much like a room with four walls
>and no door.}}
>you have doors and a window, and chalk board, and everything you need
>with just the ability to kill virus without haveing to "upgrade" your
>anti-virus kit, this is a totally not needed upgrading anti-virus built
>{{it sounds like if you do what u want to accomplish then it will be
>tightly sealed.}}
>if you want to tightly seal it then use the "seal" attribute, but you
>can still "uninstall" the "sealed" file.  you don't HAVE to "seal" your
>stuff, you can mark it as "deletable" (which is how most of the
>documents you create are attributed).
>{{the reason why most anyone wants a computer is that it is fun, has
>cool stuff, internet, etc. what you are trying to do is change this so
>that you are like the supreme lord of puters which is worse than what
>bill gates is doin.}}
>i didn't say i was the "supreme lord of puters", i just said that i have
>a lower priveladge level so that if someone needed help on something, or
>needed a program installed that is being stubborn then i can take over
>via phone line (no sending the computer to me is necessary).  yeah, i
>might be able to "hack" and "crack" the system but why the hell would i
>want to do that and have people not buy my computers, i only have the
>ability for tutoring and displaying purposes only, you can always abort
>the transmition (pull the cable).
>{{why would you expect ppl to buy a puter that you can open up any time
>you want cuz u got the 0 access or whatever.}}
>i don't expect ppl to buy a puter that can do anything they wanted to,
>emulate PCs as well as MACs, play 3d games faster than any pentium 3
>would be able to, play games with greate graphics and no choppy sound or
>screen, i could care less actually, i'm going to build the prototype
>with priveladge of 0 for myself, and if someone sees it and wants it i
>build one for them (priveladge of 1) and someone else sees that...etc.
>etc.  i could care less if the public wants something, i give it to them
>with added anti-virus and anti-hack stuff added and they end up not
>wanting it.  that's how i'm going to feel about this.  at least i'll
>have fun running any game i want spanned across 2 platforms (maybe have
>game systems involved too).
>{{if its hard to program then you wont have any 3rd party support which
>means your system will have no external funding which means your systems
>are gonna cost like a million dollars each.}}
>third party like i spans across 2 platforms, they can still
>program in those languages and still be used on my system (if it works).
>yeah i have created a 3rd platform language and if someone wants to
>create a program they can very easily, it will be very documented (not
>like PCs and MACs do there documentation).
>{{another problem ive say that the cpu when pulled out will
>erase itself but you also say how you were going to piggyback the chips
>on top of each other to add new commands. so youre saying that everytime
>someone wants to upgrade their cpu they are gonna have to send you their
>the cpu isn't going to erase itself...i said i was unsure how i was
>going to do this...i want the EEPROM to be safe so that no one can
>anylise the system and figure out what the programming is (reverse
>engineer type thing)...i'll try and figure out a way.  for now it'll be
>a "piggyback" type system like you said, and if people want to "sell"
>their chips they can or exchange (let's say they no long want 10 chips
>with 100 commands on it, they want 1 chip with the 100 commands on
> costs practically nothing--mailing stamps and stuff might
>not be avoided).
>all this criticism is changing the way i build this system, giving me
>ideas, and i thank you guys for it.  please keep coming with the
>insults, soon i'll have a computer that everyone can enjoy.  any ideas
>would be great.
>ICQ:9188921 "No Sol to kill"
>{{>actually i am a dedicated hacker and i have found no way around my
>>system.  it isn't symbolised the way you said, it's more like you can
>>put anything in the toaster that YOU want (recording your presence),
>>only YOU can get it out, anyone else touching the toaster will get
>>zapped (not killed, just a tingle).  the toaster can make poptarts too.
>>you can put something in one end of the toaster and someone else put
>>something in the other end, and only you two can access your own stuff
>>(of course you can tell it for other people to be able to touch it like
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