Re: A83: Help


Re: A83: Help

Sorry if this topic has died but here's my two cents.
I've been thinking. Using a PC, you could make a program (even in QBASIC)
that could change the call commands from 82 to 83, but then some of the
syntax might be funny. I mean that in some rom calls you have to load
someting into the hl resester and get the output out of OP1 ( just an
example). The program would involve extensive knowledge of both ASM on the
82 and 83.
Any way from the compiled source from 82 to 83 you complie as per normal.
Also Screen sizes might be a problem, key presses, and the fact the 83 uses
things differently than the 82 and vice versa, it might be hard to make such
a program.
So in conclusion you will have to do it the old fashioned way. Do it
                        ( o o )
 /  Steven Conway                         \
[                                                        ]
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PS how's that for un-bias between surerior calcs to crap( the 82)
-----Original Message-----
From: Trey Jazz <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, 12 April 1998 5:33
Subject: Re: A83: Help

>yes... i am saying that if you can emulate the calls in asm programs from
>one calc to another then you can do it on all of them...yes even emulate 86
>on an 83. its just a matter of finding out how to load them into a spot in
>memory and then translate the calls
>>But you see I nead 82>83 copatabilitl not 82,83,85>86 Becouse I dont Have