Re: A83: Does this have any problems


Re: A83: Does this have any problems

There is no "ld a,a+1", if you want to add 1 to a, then do "inc a"..
There's also no 'z' register so you cannot do "ld z,255"

> Here is a program that I made to change chars, can anyone tell me the
> getKey equiv's for the arrows.  Right now I just added some numbers in,
> and exactly how many characters are in the font table so I can set the
> lower and upper bounds.
> Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
> PS: How do I get it to run another program? How do you invert text?
>  .org 9327h
> call _runIndicOff
> ld a,0
> lblBEGIN:
>         call 4755h      ;_clrLCDFULL
>         call 4775h      ;_homeUp
>  ld hl,str1
>         call 470Dh      ;_puts
>         call 473Dh      ;_newline
>  ld hl,str2
>         call 470Dh      ;_puts
>         call 473Dh      ;_newline
>  ld hl,str3
>         call 470Dh      ;_puts
>         call 473Dh      ;_newline
>  ld hl,str4
>         call 470Dh      ;_puts
>         call 473Dh      ;_newline
> lblSTART:
>         call 4CFEh      ;_getkey
>  ld (varKEY),a
>         call 4755h      ;_clrLCDFULL
>         call 4775h      ;_homeUp
>  ld a,0
>  ld b,a
>  ld a,(varKEY)
>  cp b
>  jp nz,else1
>  ld a,10
>  ld b,a
>  ld a,(varKEY)
>  cp b
>  jp nz,else2
>  jp endif2
> else2:
> endif2:
> lblUPCHAR:
> ld a,a+1   ;add one to a
> ld z,0     ;set lower bound
> jp z, START   ;check if a is at lower bound, if is goto start
> ld z,255      ;set upper bound
> jp z, START   ;check if a is at lower bound, if is goto start
>         call 4755h      ;_clrLCDFULL
>         call 4775h      ;_homeUp
> call _putc
>  jp lblSTART
> ld a,a-1   ;add one to a
> ld z,0     ;set lower bound
> jp z, START   ;check if a is at lower bound, if is goto start
> ld z,255      ;set upper bound
> jp z, START   ;check if a is at lower bound, if is goto start
>         call 4755h      ;_clrLCDFULL
>         call 4775h      ;_homeUp
> call _putc
>  jp lblSTART
> else1:
> endif1:
>  ret
> str1:
>  .db "USE THE UP AND",0
> str2:
>  .db "DOWN ARROWS TO",0
> str3:
>  .db "VEIW EACH",0
> str4:
>  .db "CHARACTER",0
> varKEY:
>  .db $00
> RESULT: .db $00,$00
> .end

Follow-Ups: References: