Re: A82: lalalala a question from me


Re: A82: lalalala a question from me

>	Dune isnt dead, but i fell into that pit that most programmers know...
>boredom! hehe.. it was pretty far too. I will complete it someday, but 
>really want to do an rpg now. Anyways, the rpg is coming along.. but i
>really need to know how to read and write to external files.. lataz
>							~Kurai

   You can look at the Penguins level editor for information about 
writing external files. Then you can look at the SQRXZ 82 source about 
how to read the external files. Of course, a lot of good that did me 
because I never was able to get the external stuff in PJ 82 to work.
   I believe all that is much simpler in ASH v3.1 with commands like 
FIND_PRGM, FIND_VAR, CREATE_VAR, SEARCH_VAT, etc. You should ask Dines 
about them once he finishes ASH v3.1.

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