Re: A82: Creating a VAR (the ROM_CALL)


Re: A82: Creating a VAR (the ROM_CALL)

I think you have to set the type of the VAR too (load into OP1). Besides
that try cheking the amount of free mem before you call the function (It
is normally =0 !). The reason is that ! or # is talking up all the space.
Delete the one which takes up all the scaca (or resize it to 0 byte ?),
before you try to create new vars.



Dines Justesen
WWW  :

On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, Evil Sam wrote:

> >Yes, I know how they work, but I wont tell !!!!!!!
> >
> >The problem is that I need my computer before I can send you the
> >information, but it works in the same way as on the TI85. I have not 
> used
> >this function for a while, but as far as I remember you do something 
> like
> >this:
> >
> >Load OP1 with var information
> >LD HL with length+2
> >call function
> >Get first word of var to length.
> >A pointer to the VAT entry is returned in HL
> >A pointer to the var is returned in DE
> >Carry is set if the var could not my created.
> >
> >DInes
> >
>   So why won't this basic code work?
> CreateLvl:
>  ld hl,game
>  call $1A88
>  ld     hl, 260
>  jp   $22E0
> game:
>  .db "PJLVLSAM",0
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