Re: A82: Ash 3.1 update


Re: A82: Ash 3.1 update

In a message dated 11/20/98 1:46:26 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> Going off on another tangent, Dines, is it possible to hide variables from 
> the TI-OS? Wouter's Attrib program hides programs by changing the first 
> character of the name to an irregular character. I was just thinking that 
> maybe for added protection you could hide the two matrices that Ash (and 
> CrASH) use so that stupid people can't delete them, not knowing why they're 
> there.

if you change the var type to something the calc doesn't recognize, it is
invisible to everything except a reset.  Of course, if this was done to the
matrices, Ash would not run :-P
