Re: A82: more stupid questions


Re: A82: more stupid questions

>Question 2:ACCELERATED 82s
>I accelerated my 82 by replacing C7 with a 15pf cap.  Now my calc is very
>unstable and it takes a few 'turn-on/turn-off/turn-on' s to turn it on.
>Graphing also gets messy when I use the Draw functions.  Do I need to trim the
>legs of the cap, or possibly install a bleed resistor(and of what size)?  Or
>do i need to go up to a 16pf cap?

I accelerated my 82 and had the same problem (two weeks before the release
of Ash 1.0..... grrrr....), so I had to replace the 15pf with a 17pf.  It
made quite a difference.  The screen cleared up, and I was able to read
some menus better, although I am kicking myself for doing that now that
assembly has been discovered :(

-David Endahl

"Without the band, it's just a GAME!"
"The first half is pre-game for  the halftime show"
"The second half is a time to prepare for the post-game show"
"Come for the band, stay for the football"
