Re: A82: Another new beta


Re: A82: Another new beta

>it crashes?  is it the disp_a_dec process built into srcwiz.exe that he
>uses? (#fncall d_a_deci [or something similar])

    Galaxian doesn't crash but I add his routine it does. Here it is:

NOTE: There were alot of things preceding this but I had to delete them to accomodate
for the 82 screen size.(It was the information bar thats on the right side of the
screen in the 85 version)

         ld       a,(lasers)  ;Display number of lasers
         or       a
         jr       z,nolasers
         add      a,'0'
         ld       (CURSOR_X),de
         call     M_CHARPUT

         ld       hl,$1007           ;Display Score
         ld       (CURSOR_ROW),hl
         ld       hl,(score)
         jp       D_HL_DECI

I know I have to get rid of nolasers completely, but everything I try ends up crashing
the calc.
   Evil Sam

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