Re: A82: get key


Re: A82: get key

let's see.. this is off-hand, so don't complain

	;	push hl	;the docs say that hl is altered, so if you want
			;to keep it, add this command
	call GET_KEY
	;	pop hl	;add if you add the push
	or	a	; any key pressed?
	jr z, GK_loop	; zf=no key
	cp	G_2nd	; was it the 2nd key?
	jr z, GK_loop	; if it was, continue looping.

that was with "GETKEY"... as for port reading, i'm a little shabby on
that, so i can't answer that one.


On Wed, 11 Mar 1998, Craig wrote:

> how do i check to see if any key except for 2nd was pressed during a loop??
> Example:
> ----------------------------
> Press Any Key To Continue...
> ----------------------------
> --
> Craig
> ***
