Re: A82: Question...


Re: A82: Question...

>ld hl,1
>ld (RowVar),hl		;Load? all of RomVar Numbers as 1????
This loads one only into the first byte of load it into all 8 you can
use the ldi or ldir command...dont remember how to use those or which one should
actually be used though
>ld hl,0
>ld (RomVar+8),hl		;Load? 0 into RomVar+8 [the 8th #???]
I is only:
ld rowvar+8,hl
and likewise with rowvar+7
>ld hl,(RomVar+7)		;Load ??? The seventh number into hl?
However...Im not positive of anything I said above...just trying to remember and
it didn't appear that anyone else was responding to Ahmeds question. If Im worng
just point it out to me instead of getting hostile about. Thanx.
Jacob Boyce
2140141 on ICQ

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