A82: SQRXZ 82 update


A82: SQRXZ 82 update

I know I've been awfully quiet on my end of things lately, but I HAVE been
working on SQRXZ as furiously as possible.  If anyone wants the latest
working version, please e-mail me *personally* and I will send it to you.
Now to the updates:

I just finished SQRXZ's motion routines and perfected them.  No flaws/bugs
left except for the duplicate animation delete routine which seems not to
be called enough times to take out the duplicate entries.  I still have to
look into this.  The duplicate entry routine plays no role in the motion
routines except for preventing the starting of multiple animations of the
breakable bricks and such.

The scrolling routines have not been started but I have a majority of the
code already written from the sprite.asm program found in the ASH <->
OShell-82 Development Kit v1.0.

I still have not activated the final routine (RunAnim - Controls the
Animations) because I haven't completed the above routines.  I don't want
additional problems until I'm sure I've worked out the old ones.

If you do request the latest working version, I must warn you that I have
about 10-12 halt statements in the main loop so that you can see that
everything is working properly.  I believe the final 82 version will be
faster than the 86 version.

Remember, e-mail me *personally* if you want the latest working version.

                 Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"