A82: Scores...


A82: Scores...

I currently hold the top three high scores using Galaxian w/ rapid-fire:

1st Place:  49015
2st Place:  49012
3st Place:  49007

Speaking of scores, I visited ticalc.org and found that I currently hold
11th place in number of e-mails for this month (155 e-mails) and I also
hold 5th place for the size of my e-mails (5,102 lines sent across the
server).  I have an average of 32 lines per e-mail.  I think these huge
arguments with Dines about ASH seems to have put me near the top...and I'm
proud of it :)

                 Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"