Re: A82: project ideas


Re: A82: project ideas

At 06:24 PM 2/22/98 EST, you wrote:
>someone should try to make a compiler/decompiler straight on the calc.. it
>would be great for programing/editing programs on the go..

Prototype Alpha will be programmed right after I finish "SQRXZ 82" and
"SQRXZ II:  Revenge of SQRXZ".  I am to the point of scrolling the screen
as SQRXZ moves about.  There are still some bugs that need to be worked out
yet before I can begin some heavy duty testing.  Prototype Alpha is a
code-name for the editor and "compiler" and debugger that I will be writing
in conjunction with a similar program for the PC to allow you to code both
on your calc and on the computer.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
