Re: A82: dead list?


Re: A82: dead list?

On Sun, 26 Apr 1998 16:57:44 EDT ADAMMAN106 <> writes:
>In a message dated 98-04-26 15:38:55 EDT, you write:
>well, I was going to tell you to load 0 into h, a into l, so don't 
>kill me
>because I'll tell you another way.

you took all the fun out of killing you.

>  All you have to do is ld h, 0 \ ld 
>l, a
>and make a loop that calls UNPACK_HL repeatedly, storing the result in 
>buffer each time.  here's the code (right from SameGame) that will 
>display hl
>in decimal, menu format:
that'd do it... thanks... so basically i'm re-writing the D_HL_DECI call,

<snip more>

>a neat thing you can do:  in this routine, right before the call to 
>you can change the base of the number to print by doing a ld a, [base] 
>changing call UNPACK_HL to UNPACK_HL+2.  And you also have to change 
>number of bytes in string accordingly.  nice, huh?  the ld a, [base] 
>HAS to be within the loop, as a gets changed.

i knew that, but i suppose it's helped other people as well.

>WOW that was a much bigger email than I expected it to be!
>I really hope it helped!

it did.... and was longer than i expected it to be as well... it's a pain
trying to do this on a 386sx-16 w/ a 14.4 modem...  my mom's tying up my
good computer because she has to type some sort of report.... arrgh.

few more things... WHAT THE HELL DOES "SCROLL_UP" DO ON THE TI85?  is it
the same as the scroll up in the 82? (basically)

has anyone built the IR link by Sami K? i want to, but i'm wondering
around how much it'd cost .

Kurai-- how's Dune II coming?
Dines-- where's ASH 3.1?


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