Re: A82: ASH Routine


Re: A82: ASH Routine

At 04:17 PM 4/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>    I need an ASH routine that will exit to ASH no matter how deep in
>>subroutines I am.  I know I can inc the sp register that many times and
>>then ret but this routine may be called from many different points in my
>>program and I won't know how many subroutines I will be in when it is
>This works in CrASH too BTW.  This uses self-modifying code - if you
>don't understand it, don't worry about it.
>At very beginning of program:
>ld hl,0
>add hl,sp
>ld (SAVED_SP+1),hl
>Then later:
>ld sp,0
>To return to CrASH, do jp EXIT_2_CRASH

This won't work for OShell-82/OS-82 unless you use PROGRAM_ADDR.  Here is a
modified routine using PROGRAM_ADDR:

At very beginning of program:

ld hl,0
add hl,sp
ld ix,SAVED_SP+1
add ix,de
ld (ix),l
ld (ix+1),h


Then later:

ld sp,0

To return to OShell-82/OS-82, do JUMP_(EXIT_2_OSHELL)

This is VERY unoptimized, but it does the same job if you want to port,
using this method, to OS-82.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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