Re: A82: Slippy


Re: A82: Slippy

>He he.  Yeah, I'm stuck on level 6 too.  Is there any way to reset the levels
>and play previous levels or something?  Whenever I give Slippy to someone they
>have to start from level 6!
>Craig wrote:
>> Ok, I started playing slippy today and i'm stuck on level 6.  I'm dying for
>> a solution to the damn level so PLEASE HELP!!!  :P
>> --
>> Craig
>> ***

I think you just have to push MODE (to pause), and then use the arrows to
control which level you play...  I don't know.  It's been a while since I
played it, but I think that's how you do it :)

-David Endahl

"Without the band, it's just a GAME!"
"The first half is pre-game for  the halftime show"
"The second half is a time to prepare for the post-game show"
"Come for the band, stay for the football"
