Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret


Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret

By writing commands to the display controller you can scroll th display.
Since you do not have to rewrite the picture all the time this is a very
fast way to scrool. It should not be a problem to use this for making a
picture shake, just write different scroll values to the controller as
fast as you need. You can find the info needed in 82-ports.txt, if you
need more info just mail me. If you try with different values you should
be able to get a look good rather quickly.



Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, ilya winham wrote:

> Avalanche news:
> I have finished v1.1 now and fully optimized the game (less than 1730 
> bytes!!)
> I just got a backround pic from someone and fixed the speed/screen 
> problems. I am gonna try to finish up v1.1 and release it by Sunday. I 
> would do it today except I don't have a pc and have to use the ones at 
> the college and on monday-wednesday it is always full. And it is closed 
> around thanksgiving so I might not get the chance to work on it. But I 
> have a question to ask you asm programmers: I want the screen to "shake" 
> when you play but haven't figured out how. Could somebody please tell me 
> how this could be accomplished? I remember DINES talking about screen 
> scrooling and KURAI's dying eyes battle demo shakes when you get hit, so 
> if any of you two could help me out I would appreciate it.
> ~Ilya
