Re: A82: Custom 82p File Designer...


Re: A82: Custom 82p File Designer...

At 09:14 AM 11/3/97 +0100, you wrote:
>You keep mentioning that you info/programs will help people who wants to
>make shells. As far as i can see you programs will in no way help people
>making shells, I can not even see how you would use them to make shell. So
>my question is do youknow something about making shells which no one else
>does ? I discuused how to compile shell and things like that with Jason
>Todd, and both Ash and OS82 are made in a way which does not use prgm82 or
>any program like that. So how would your program make it easier. 
>You might want to know that the shells aremade by "hacking" the backup
>files, not the 82p files.

I know this.  The part I'm referring to is the actual conversion process
from the object file (.obj) to the 82p file.  Instead of re-writing PRGM82
every time you want to increase the version number, this program will save
you the time it would take to do that.  Granted it may be simple for us
programmers to do that, but what about those people who want their own
shell but don't own their own C/C++ compiler?  Now I know that shell part
isn't made with the C/C++ compiler, but the converter is.  I believe that
you were thinking of those of us who do this type of thing all the time.  I
was talking about those who don't.

As for the previous information file on the 82p file format, the main thing
that will help to make a shell, is the list of the 82's command set.  So
you have an internal checksum that the shell can find and then display the
program's name.  Again, this information is known by us programmers, but
for newcomers, it is necessary for stuff to be in plain english and simple
to understand.

My purpose for releasing programs is to help people out in any way that I
can.  If a program helps someone, I'm elated, if not, well, I just hope
something else does.  This program may not be for you, that's fine, but I
wrote it and I personally find it a very nice program since it has multiple
purposes.  So don't just go and flame it just because it seems like a great
program to flame.  Every program should be criticized gently.

BTW, Your questions about this program and comments in general to me, seem
a little harsh, as if to say, "Hah!  I'm better than you because my stats
are all correct, I wrote a shell and you haven't, and I think my program is
better and faster than yours, here's my proof...your 82p file info. sucks,
and your company 'Shining Light Productions' of only one person, you, is
psycho, blah, blah, blah."  At least that is the message I'm receiving from
you.  I too am at fault, of a couple of those things, but who doesn't want
to brag about their program?  However, Dines, you might want to get off thy
high horse and take a look at yourself and reflect upon the number of
people you have hurt since ASH came out.

Oops!  Sorry for wasting band-width folks, but some of that needed to be
out of my system.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
