Re: A82: Mac assembly question (add this to the FAQ when answered)


Re: A82: Mac assembly question (add this to the FAQ when answered)

I posted this a while ago: (Unfortunately, it requires an emulator.
Basically, you can compile on the mac using CAZ, but you would then have
to manually add the bytes to make it into an .82p file, and the
checksum- exactly whad prog82 and do on the PC)
Here is how to compile on a mac with a PC emulator.

The minimum you need is some sort of DOS emulater (Virtual PC,
SoftPC, etc.) It has to be able to mount a mac folder as a DOS drive.
Virtual PC
does this for sure, use the "Folders" toolbar button. You will also need
sort of link, I use the TI gray cable. Lastly, for convienience,
download the TI
autotyper. You can get it on at . TASM is available at . Also download the full
Ash zip.
Stuffit expander is at To unstuff zip files,
you may
need to also get the dropstuff with expander enhanccer archive.

I will use Virtual PC as an example here, cause that's what I got.

1) Install Virtual PC, setting it up to with a bootable partition. (If
you have
Win95/WinNT, when they boot, do a Start:Run and run to get
to the
dos command line)
2) Make a new folder, on the desktop. Call it TI or something. Open
Virtual PC,
and share that folder as a drive (Drive F: in this example)
3) Put into the new folder and Run stuffit
expander, and
extract the zip file.

4) Go to virtual pc.
8) f:
9) cd tasm301
10) copy *.* ..
11) cd ..\ash
12) copy *.* ..
13) cd ..
14) deltree tasm301 (Answer yes)
15) deltree ash (Yes)

You can now compile any file in the TI directory inside of VPC by typing
myprog". To make your first program, open up BBEdit (Or BBEdit lite, the
version). (Something that can save to DOS format text files. OR, use a
mac file,
and with MacOs8, you can download a CMM file that will convert the line
from Mac to Dos.). Write a program. Save it in the ti directory as
(To get BBedit to do a DOS file, pull down one of the menus in the
window, and select DOS instead of mac or unix.)

To compile a program:
Go to Virtual PC and the ti directory. type "ash myprog". Go to the
finder, and
drag the newly created myprog.82p into the ti autotyper icon (After you
it). Now open up the link program, and send it over to the calc.

ilya winham wrote:

> Here is the question that despratly needs to be answered:
> Is it possible to Assemble TI-82 (also 85/83/86) programs on the
> Macintosh? And if so, how? and where do I get the software?
> Mac assembler (write 'yes' or 'no' besides the calcs)
> TI-82:
> TI-83:
> TI-85:
> TI-86:
> Once this question is finally cleared up please add it to the FAQ.
